I always wanted to have a Chanel Handbag to add on to my bag collection. However, as I am not the chio bu or the rich tai tai style therefore Chanel always seems too mature for me eventhough I am already in the 30s. Another reason on not having a Chanel bag earlier is that the sales representative in Chanel Singapore always never fails to make me feel like a beggar who is just window shopping. Of course, must be my dressing and auntie look. Therefore, I always like to go to those branded shops like Hermes, Chanel during my overseas trip. Hong Kong especially is the branded shop paradise where I can go in without having eyes monitoring my movement.
This chanel caught my eyes in the Milan Shop while we are going to have our dinner at Yung Kee Restaurant. The size is just right for me and most importantly is that it is able to cross sling. Unlike the other classic, the length of the chain is abit short to cross sling eventhough there is still people doing that. After modelling for a while, Bok also agreed that the bag suits me unlike the normal classic which does not suit my dressing. Having said so, of course Bok is willing to buy for me. The main reason is also to make my mood better after the loss of Bb.
Alot of other incidents happened before I managed to get hold of this bag. We almost spent 4k on this bag at another branch of Milan Shop at TST. The final damage is almost $2.8K after currency conversion and when I came back Singapore, I checked with Chanel Singapore and realised they just launch the bag a few days ago while I am in Hong Kong and the price is ard $2.7k. Arrgh if I know I will get it in Singapore as it is cheaper and also the 100% authentic. Again, maybe in Singapore Bok will not get it for me and I will not dare check the price of the bag. Nonetheless, this is my most expensive bag in my bag collection. I am hoping to get a bigger size one on my delivery date. I know it does not suit my dressing now it should suit my dressing when I am 40s.
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